We did some recording on Monday night. We convened at Kraak just in time to catch the end of Politburo's rehearsal. They were sounding good, like a panda in a bakery. Nick said he'd almost passed out through overheating, probably because he was wearing a woolly jumper under a thick leopard skin coat. He may have nearly died, but he looked great, which is the main thing.
Pleasantries exchanged, us Doctors got down to business recording vocals for We Killed Everyone At Radio 1 and Snipping Off Your Face. It went well, which was unusual. Plague Doctors recording sessions tend to descend into agonising torture, with John telling me I'm singing out of tune and me not being able to hear my out-of-tuneness due to my bad ears and having to do the same bit again and again until everyone goes a bit mad. But not this one. We were done and dusted in under an hour.
To celebrate, John and I ate Crème Eggs in the street and drank beer in Trof. Then we tried to buy some Guinness Foreign Extra (it's from Nigeria) but the bar was shut, so we went and drank some horrible whisky and felt ill the next day.
Our new recordings are being mixed by Dom off of Politburo, who runs Kraak, and they will be available on the Cabinet of Curiosity album that's coming out at some point. Eyes peeled etc.
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