Friday, 29 January 2010

We Love Jimmy Glass

So, Ghost Hunting got rearranged, it's now on Friday 26 February. Same rules apply.

Right formalities over, it's Friday afternoon and everyone's very bored in the office (Yes, The Plague Doctors have office jobs).

I'm so bored I can't think of anything to write about. I'm so bored I can't find anything on the entire internet to amuse me for more than ten minutes. I'm so bored I just drank a can of Apple Tango, just for something to do. And there's still two hours to go. It's the 2 o'clock lull. Nobody can beat the 2 o'clock lull.

Nothing's happening. We've just spent half an hour discussing which is better: Bolton or Huddersfield. There isn't a winner. I've just spent the last ten minutes watching videos of Jimmy Glass scoring the goal that kept Carlisle United in the football league. It's extremely moving, and at this vulnerable time of the day, I found myself close to tears. Someone should make a film out of it. Actually, scrap that, nothing could come close to capturing the glory of Glass; what they should do is show it on big screens in city centres to cheer up commuters. Actually, scrap that too, everyone would just get bored of it really quickly, and that would be a shame.

Brother Paul

Wednesday, 13 January 2010

Ghost Hunting with The Plague Doctors

Like most people, us Plague Doctors enjoy scaring the bejesus out of ourselves from time to time. And you, yes you, can join us. We're going on the Foxdenton Hall Ghost Hunt and Aura Reading Event. It's in Oldham on Friday 22 January from 8pm til 3am, more details at

NB: This isn't Ghost Hunting with Girls Aloud or anything, there won't be any TV cameras. Neither will Yvette Fielding or Derek Acorah be there. We're not running it either, we're just going along. Basically, if you want to go ghost hunting, we'll be there too.

Also, if you do decide to come along, we'd rather you didn't try and talk to us. We prefer not to mix business and pleasure.

Kind regards,
John and Paul

Monday, 4 January 2010

Kingfishers Catch Fire & The Plague Doctors Live in Glossop

Happy New Year! To celebrate 2010 we'll be performing with our Cabinet of Curiosity friends Kingfishers Catch Fire at The Globe, Glossop on Sat 16 Jan.

Expect all the old hits like Wasting My Time, Diana Two Point Zero, Je m'appelle as well as our newest abomination Scorpion Birthday.

If you're on Facebook then you can RSVP here